Friday, November 20, 2009

Krill Oil Hype

Many of you are probably asking yourself what is with all the hype about krill oil. Well the krill oil hype does not come without support of this hype. Krill oil deserves all of the hype because it is such a beneficial supplement.  So here we will tell you about this krill oil hype.

Hype About Krill Oil

As some of you know krill oil is high in omega 3,  the omega 3 has been referred to as the miracle drug of the 21st century. This is because omega 3 has so many benefits. Another reason there is a lot of krill oil hype is because there are almost no krill oil side effects, because krill oil has almost no side effects and numerous benefits make it a must buy, which also adds to the hype over krill oil. While here are many types of krill oil such as nko krill oil or mega red krill oil, the best krill oil will come from the shores of Antarctica, also known as antarctic pure krill oil supplements. The krill oil hype first started around 10 years ago when people became obsessed with easy ways to lose weight, gain energy, and live healthier. Krill oil delivered all of these wants in one easy supplement.  This makes the hype about krill oil grow and grow, and continues today as the krill oil hype is spread by word of mouth.

How the Hype of Krill Oil Grows

While there are many krill oil brands out there, they all have many testimonials. Krill oil testimonials are the best way of fueling the hype over krill oil. Many websites have krill oil testimonials. However many of these are overhyping krill oil or making it sound like krill oil is the cure for cancer. This is not what krill oil does, it works its magic over time, not right away. It is also important to not listen to krill oil testimonials that say krill oil is bad, these are usually people that thought krill oil benefits worked right away. So the question is not is krill oil good for you, for it is definitely good for you because of the great benefits provided by omega 3. Thanks for reading krill oil hype!

nko krill oil

Hello. This post is going to outline a little background and history on krill oil. It will touch on the benefits of krill oil. It will most importantly be focused on nko krill oil.  Prices, quantities, and little reviews on krill oil products, supplements, and pills, will also be listed in this post. Hope you find the information useful!

Krill are very small crustaceans. They are less than five centimeters in length, but somehow still manage to make up the largest animal biomass.  Krill oil's special ingredients giving it all of the health benefits are omega-3 fatty acids.  This makes krill oil similar to fish oil and flaxseed oil, and you can receive some of the same benefits from the three products.

Krill oil, like fish oil and flaxseed oil, has many health benefits for your body.  It can decrease your levels of bad cholesterol, keeping you cholesterol level at a more healthy, safe level.  It can also reduce your risk of heart attack.  Krill oil has also been shown to possibly help reduce blood sugar levels. Another benefit of krill oil, and benefit of almost anything high in omega-3 fatty acids, is that it is very good for your cardiovascular system.  All three of these products have been shown to be able to induce and help weight loss.

Although flaxseed, fish, and krill oil have many similarities, krill oil stands out from the group in one specific way.  Krill oil is very high in antioxidants. It contains more than forty times as many fish oil. These antioxidants have so many health benefits, but just to touch on a few it can benefit skin, and aging symptoms.

Now to main point of this post, nko krill oil. What does nko krill oil stand for?  The main provider of krill oil is Neptune, nko stand for Neptune Krill Oil. Here are some of the prices and quantities of nko krill oil.

Source Naturals nko Neptune Krill Oil- $21
500 mg and 60 softgels
This product is extracted from antarctic krill oil. It claims to benefit heart health and cell membrane health.

NSI Superior Krill Oil- $17.99
1000 mg and 60 softgels
This product claims to support the cardiovascular system, and benefit joint health.

TwinLab Krill Essentials Cardio Krill Oils- $17.61
60 softgels
This product claims to be very high in antioxidants, and to help keep healthy cholersterol levels.

NSI Superior Krill Oil appears to me to be the best deal for the products listed. All of them seem to target different benefits, but they most likely all probably benefit you in the same ways.  This product just seems to be the cheapest priced.

Thanks for reading about nko krill oil!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Is Krill Oil Good For You

Is Krill oil good for you? Many of you have probably heard about fish oil or green tea, but have you heard about krill oil? Well if not, you should because krill oil is great for you. Krill oil is just as good, if not better than fish oil and there are many reasons why.

Is Krill Oil Good For You

In krill oil there is a nutrient called omega 3. Now omega 3 is great and has been referred to as the miracle drug of the 21st century, and not only is it great it is also all natural. That's right, no doctors or scientist created this nutrient, it is all natural and created in nature. This is great because you don't have to worry about any nasty man made chemicals getting into your krill oil. Krill oil is also great for you because of all of the great benefits of krill oil. The benefits are numerous and I will just name a few here. First off, krill oil can help you reduce the risk of getting elderly diseases. These diseases include arthritis, alhimerz, and many other diseases that target your joints and bones. The omega 3 in fish oil is good for you because it can help increase the strength of your bones and joints. Krill oil is better for you than fish oil because there are almost no krill oil side effects. Fish oil can have many side effects if you are not careful. Fish are usually found with traces of mercury in them, along with other nasty chemicals that can harm you. If the mercury is not taken out of the fish then it will end up in your krill oil, which is not something you want happening. If this happens you risk some pretty serious side effects, but this only happens if you have lots of mercury inside you.

Super Krill Oil

Krill oil really is super. It has so many healthy benefits that there really is no reason not to take it. Krill oil can help increase your energy levels. Super krill oil's omega 3 levels increase the oxygen in your blood, thus giving you more energy during your day, helping increase your productivity and brain activity. Krill oil can also be an overall help to your cardiovascular health. Since krill oil increases your oxygen level, it is common sense that it will increase your cardiovascular health which runs on oxygen in your blood.

Best Krill Oil

Krill oil comes in many different shapes and forms. You have many options when buying krill oil. You can buy krill oil pills, pills of krill oil, krill oil supplements, krill oil soft gels, krill oil tablets, and many other options. However, be wary because many will promise to be the new and improved krill oil, or say this is the improved krill oil of the century, or many  other forms of these words. The krill oil manufacturers will try to pretty up what every they say and make it sound like they make the new and improved krill oil. If you are looking for the best high quality krill oil then I suggest you try antarctic krill oil supplements. Antarctic krill oil is found in the pristine waters off Antarctica. These krill have almost a zero percent chance of becoming polluted with mercury or other pollutants. These high quality krill oil also usually have the highest amounts of omega 3, but this has not been confirmed as an actual fact. Then there are the people out there claiming krill oil is a scam or the usaual krill oil scam. These are the people that read that krill oil is amazing and then went out and tried it. Then 2 weeks later they didn't feel any different so they claimed krill oil is overrated. This is not how krill oil works. Krill oil takes a while, and you may not "feel" the benefits. Krill oil helps in so many ways that you can not feel. Can you feel if you heart is beating healthier? Can you feel if you brain is working better? Do you know if your arteries are clear? Can you predict that you won't get elderly diseases? No you can't, these are all the benefits of krill oil however most of the time you won't be able to feel them.

Taking Cholesterol Meds Vs. Krill Oil

Many people out there take cholesterol meds and want to know if krill oil is better for lowering cholesterol than cholesterol meds.  Well I believe krill oil is worth your money over cholesterol meds. This is because krill oil can help clear the cholesterol out of your blood which is basically what taking cholesterol meds does. The thing is cholesterol medications don't provide any other benefits and can have some side effects. This is where krill oil has the edge over cholesterol medications. Krill oil not only helps decrease your cholesterol, it also helps with many other things, thanks to the omega 3 inside of krill. So I believe you should take krill oil vs taking cholesterol meds. Thanks for reading Is Krill Oil Good For You!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Side Effects of Krill Oil Supplements

To start this post off let me just let you know that I am a supporter of krill oil supplements. They are very healthy for you because of the omega 3 that can be found in krill oil. However there are some side effects of krill oil that may deter you from trying out krill oil supplements or pills.

Side Effects of Krill Oil

Well one pretty obvious side effect of krill oil that may be overlooked only effects people with a certain condition. This Krill Oil side effect is allergies. If you have seafood allergies you should definitely stand clear of krill oil because it has many of the same material in it that other seafood have in it, so if you are allergic to other seafood you will probably be allergic to krill oil supplements, which is not something you want if you are taking krill oil pills for its benefits.

Another side effect of krill oil is that it can have a negative effect on people with blood disorders. The omega 3 in krill oil helps thin the blood, so if you suffer from excessive bleeding then this krill oil side effect could exemplify the negative effects of of that disorder, which again is not something you want if you are going after the benefits of krill oil. So again stand clear of krill oil pills if you suffer from a bleeding disorder of any type.

Some other minor side effects of krill oil are diarrhea and stomach problems, however these are usually not bad and only cause minor discomfort.

Antarctic Krill Oil Side Effects

Antarctic krill oil supplements have no side effects that non antarctic krill oil has, so don't worry if the krill oil you take says antarctic krill oil as this is basically the same as regular krill oil, except the krill have been harvested from...Antarctica.

You may also be interested in reading is krill oil good for you!

Remember that I am a supporter of krill oil, the benefits far outweigh the negative side effects of krill oil. However remember to always ask your doctor before taking krill oil. Thanks for reading side effects of krill oil supplements.