Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Krill Oil Better than Fish Oil

Is krill oil better than fish oil? That is a question that many of you are probably asking yourselves when deciding on whether to take krill oil or its closely related cousin fish oil. Fish oil has more hype around it than krill oils hype, however as you know many times that hype is simply because the fish oil companies have more to spend so here we will research and find out if krill oil is better than fish oil.

Fish Oil Not As Good As Krill Oil

Krill oil definitely has some great advantages over fish oil, one of the more major ones is the lack of harmful chemicals that can be found in fish oil. One of these chemicals includes mercury, which has been in the news a lot lately. Mercury is getting into the ocean and poisoning the wildlife in them, because of this they are becoming harmful to eat, which is not a good thing for us or the fish. The mercury that is found in fish can get transfered over to fish oil and taint the oil, if it is not treated properly. Krill oil does not have to worry about this, as krill are so small and have barely or no mercury at all inside them. This makes them safe to eat, thus making them safe to put into krill oil, which is better than fish oil.

Krill Oil Is Better Than Fish Oil

Another reason krill oil is better for you than fish oil is because of the damage fish oil can have on your wallet. Since fish have to be treated a certain way in order to get the mercury out of them, the cost goes up. Since krill oil doesn't have to deal with the negative effects of mercury they can skip this purification process, which in turns makes them easier and cheaper to produce. Antarctic krill oil is a prime example of this because they live in the pristine waters off the coast of Antarctica making them very safe to eat and good for you too. Thanks for reading Krill Oil is Better Than Fish Oil.

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